£300 Billion and counting

It is estimated that there is over £300 billion held in the UK by investors in with-profits plans. With so much money invested you might think with-profits is a good place to have your money invested.


Upwards of 12 million people are estimated to have some money in a with-profits fund and over the past ten years or so with-profits returns have plummeted and millions of policies are now in a desperate state.

This website is designed to help you! If you have a with-profits policy (of any type), we can help you find out more about its market position and  provide you with an individual assessment and review of your own with-profits position.

Review Service

As part of our service to with-profits investors seeking to get a full and clear understanding of their current position and future prospects we offer a free report service.

This is a service which allows you to receive a report from us (Penguin Wealth) which will explain everything you need to know about the current position of your existing plan and its future prospects. To find out more about this service please go to our Review Service page.

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